Pregnancy Options

“What am I Going to Do?”

Discovering you’re pregnant when you’re not ready can be a crisis. And crisis by definition is traumatic, scary, and confusing. Most people respond to crises by trying to find the quickest way back to normal. With an unintended pregnancy, whatever you decide will be life changing. So, what do you do? Take some time. With time, your initial feelings of trauma lessen, and you are once again able to consider your pregnancy options and what it is that you really want.

Pregnancy Options in Victoria BC

The Challenge

The hardest thing about making a decision is anticipating how you will feel about that decision in the future. When you’re in a crisis, you usually can’t think far beyond the immediate situation. Often, all you want is for the problem to go away. Decisions that people most often regret are those made too quickly in a crisis. These kinds of decisions are more reactions than decisions.

We encourage you to stop, take a deep breath, and consider your pregnancy options.

Often, people will feel rushed to make a decision that they haven’t taken time to explore. You owe it to yourself to get all the information you need to make an informed decision. No one else can make this decision for you, but it does help to talk to people who may have some answers.

Your situation is like no other.

Your circumstances are unique and cannot be decided with some general facts on a website. Contact Birthright to talk with an experienced volunteer who will assist you in exploring a plan that is right for you. You can freely ask questions about your pregnancy options and work through your thoughts without fear of judgment or condemnation.

Your Options

At Birthright, we want to help you explore those pregnancy options which speak to you. Our helpline is available 24/7. You can call us at:

Our trained and experienced volunteers are here to provide confidential assistance with any issue or concern you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.