If you are unexpectedly pregnant, you should know that you are not alone. Unplanned pregnancy is often accompanied by a mix of emotions, including panic, disbelief, fear, anger, embarrassment, excitement, and even resentment. Here’s how to cope with unplanned pregnancy: seek help, reach out to the right people, talk to an expert about your options, and get unexpected pregnancy support in Victoria BC. Just like any other major decision, you should take time to accept, process, and decide what you want to do. At Birthright Victoria, we have a few important do’s on how to cope with unplanned pregnancy.
1. Take Charge of Your Emotions
The first thing to do is acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to believe that everything will be okay. Unexpected pregnancy can be shocking for many women. It was probably not part of your plan. It may take a few days before your mind can fully accept the situation, and that’s okay. You should give yourself the time you need to process your situation.
Allow yourself to feel the emotions without trying to ignore or overcome them. Write down your thoughts and experiences. After a few days, when the intensity of your emotions has eased, review your writing to determine how you feel now.
2. Clear Your Doubts
Even women in planned pregnancies may doubt themselves or their decision-making abilities. Everything is so new, and that can be intimidating. Seek help from support centres for unplanned pregnancy when you feel overwhelmed by the doubts and fears that come with unexpected pregnancy.
3. Consider Different Options
We recommend that you move beyond your initial sense of crisis and seek support from unplanned pregnancy help centres like Birthright Victoria.
ToggleYou might also want to consider different images of your future life. Picture these scenarios in your mind. For example, you might imagine spending time with your baby at home. Imagine routine life with your baby and how you feel about it.
If you’re thinking about abortion, imagine what your life might be like afterward. What emotions will you feel a week after, and then a month and a year later? Balance those emotions with how you might feel holding your child in your arms. If you’re considering adoption, imagine your feelings going through that process, too.
All of these emotions and decisions are challenging. Getting qualified unplanned pregnancy help from support centres may comfort and guide you in making the right decision for you.
4. Get Non-Judgmental Help
You may have mixed feelings and thoughts about an unexpected pregnancy. It is important that you get unexpected pregnancy support and help from people who are both non-judgmental and compassionate. If you are unsure where you can find such help, you can rely on Birthright Victoria for free and confidential support. We can assist you with:
- Free pregnancy testing
- A safe place to talk through your feelings
- Information on your pregnancy options
- Professional advice on symptoms of pregnancy and managing discomforts
- Free maternity & baby clothing
- Regular contact via visits/phone calls
- 24/7 helpline support
5. Give Yourself Permission to be Surprised
We hear stories from women delving into all of these intense – even conflicted – feelings who report hearing a small voice within saying, “I want it.” Give yourself permission to listen to that voice. It may not be part of your plan, but plans can change if you want them to. At Birthright, you’re not alone. We’re here to help you navigate unintended pregnancy. If you or a friend or loved one are going through an unexpected pregnancy and need support, feel free to contact our pregnancy crisis center Victoria BC at 250.380.0305 or write to us.